Coloured brake lines
- 1994-1997

In the mid-1990s, some manufacturers started to use coloured air intake tubes in order to speed up the manufacturing process and also to avoid assembly errors. However, this was done on an individual basis without any form of colour standardisation.
Changes to braking systems relating to ABS
- 1995-2004

An important objective for TRTA members is to enhance the safety of their equipment. In the mid-1990s, the first, still very limited, ABS systems for towed equipment came onto the market.
Fifth wheel disc margin
- 1982

At the start of the 1980s, the origins of TRTA had to do with the introduction of the APK for heavy-duty towing equipment. This included an unrealistic standard for the even levels of fifth wheel discs, which would lead to a large proportion of the existing vehicle fleet being disapproved, resulting in very extensive and expensive repairs.
Fastening points for ferry semi-trailers
- 2005

There is an ISO standard for securing semi-trailers to ferry vessels. It turned out that German trailer manufacturers in particular had little experience with the way in which unaccompanied semi-trailers are handled on ferry boats, especially when those trailers had air suspension.
Bumpers, ferry and Huckepack
- 2006-2007

A number of organisations called for the height of the underside of the bumper to be lowered towards the road surface (the most ideal situation is 20 cm).
EBS braking systems
- 1992-1994

Truck manufacturers gradually switched to EBS braking systems in the early 1990s, with trailer manufacturers following later on. EBS offers many advantages over purely pneumatic systems, such as: shorter response times, more precise and expanded adjustment options, lower weight, higher reliability and easier assembly.
Development of disc brakes
- 1987-2000

Braking is one of the most important factors when it comes to vehicle safety, but it is also an important cost factor for the owner. Drum brakes have long been used for heavy vehicles.
Changes to bumper requirements
- 2018-2019

A change in the requirements for the bumper was introduced. TRTA was involved in the decision-making process.